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Filter plant

Water filter for water purification

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Water purification filter

This is a method for water purification using sand bed filters. This Inverted Flow filter is applicable for water treatment & waste water treatment.

The structure is an open type water tight rectangular tank divided in to two compartments connected by a passage from bottom. When raw water is fed to the inlet tank, water percolate through the filter media that comprises of fine sand and passes along the passage provided at the underside to the sand bed of other compartment. This structure behaves similar to "U" tube, filled water in it. Due to force trying to equalize the levels on both compartments this water passes over to the surface of the filter bed of the left side compartment as shown.

In nature we find pure water in springs and in deep wells while polluted water resorces are found in nearby locality. Water filter from other resorces and avilable as consumable water in nature due to the similar phenomina occured under ground in this manner. In the above figure you can see the recepter compartment consist of flow diversifying structure to spread the flow on a wider area. If this type of structure is not constructed the upword flow will take part at the closest position to right hand side compartment. To perform this action only a little pressure head is required. It does not require the expensive construction of a suspended sand bed.

Waste water Filtration

Inverted flow type sand filters treat wastewater using physical, biological, and chemical processes. This is ideal where economy and freedom from regular maintainace are concerned for homes, businesses, institutions, and small residential communities. Also it is the best option where septic tanks and mechanical options fails due to high ground water. Such sand filters usually are used as the second step in wastewater treatment after solids in raw wastewater have been separated out in a septic tank, aerobic unit, or other sedimentation process. Wastewater treated by sand filtration is usually colorless and odorless.

When discharged to soil, sand filter effluent receives further treatment in a soil absorption field.

In sewerage filters the filter media consists relatively larger size filter material instead of fine sand. We offer you free technology and know how.

Author : Leelananda Jayasuriya

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